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Tag: Russian invasion of Ukraine

The unconscious imperialism of a convinced anti-imperialist

The famous writer Mikhail Shishkin is one of the few well-known Russians to voice strong opposition to Moscow’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine. Despite this, many of his words and actions still play into the hands of the Kremlin, ultimately aiding in the continuation of the war.

April 28, 2023 - Tomasz Kamusella

Ukrainian civil society as one of the key players in the Russo-Ukrainian War

Today, when we talk about the Russo-Ukrainian War and the future victory of Ukraine, we must remember the voice of Ukrainian civil society. This voice is significant now and it is clear that the two sides of the war will have to listen, both the aggressor (Russia) and the victim (Ukraine).

April 18, 2023 - Andrii Kutsyk

Where are the “good Russians”? The complexities of gauging Russians’ stance on the war

In spite of criticism related to the inaction of Russian society, it is important to remember the long-term societal trauma that has encouraged such silence.

April 13, 2023 - Joshua Kroeker

Kyrgyzstan faces a new era in regional politics

The term “brother nation” has traditionally been very popular within the foreign policies of the countries of the former USSR. The Kyrgyz Republic and other countries of Central Asia have also often used this phrase given their common Turkic and Soviet history, Russia included. After February 2022, however, the countries’ relationships with Russia started to take a different form, far from “the spirit of allied relations”.

April 12, 2023 - Malik Borbugulov

“Russia has already taken ‘Ukrainium’ and it’s fatal”

An interview with Lt. Gen. Michel Yakovleff, retired from the French army after 40 years of service. Interviewer Vazha Tavberidze

April 11, 2023 - Michel Yakovleff

What changed in Ukraine in 2022?

It is clear that Ukraine has undergone momentous change ever since Putin embarked on his full-scale invasion of the country last year. The realities of war appear to be encouraging the formation of a new society that is very much different from the one before February 24th 2022.

April 5, 2023 - Evgeniya Bliznyuk Valerii Pekar

The Finnish effect of the war in Ukraine

The similarities between Ukraine’s war with Russia today and that experienced by Finland some eighty years ago are hard to ignore. While Moscow continues its attempts to stop Kyiv joining NATO, its aggression has only encouraged Helsinki to join the Alliance.

March 29, 2023 - Alex Gordon

The fetish of Russia’s stability: an intelligent weapon against the West

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has exposed the nexus between repressive domestic rule and aggressive foreign policy. As long as Russia remains a dictatorship, it will pose an existential threat to the security order in Europe. It is, therefore, in the West's interest to see a permanent dismantling of the current model of government in Russia. Putin's departure from office will create a short-term window of opportunity for political change. Contrary to widespread fears, the end of this autocratic pseudo-stability may pave the way for sustainable peace in Europe.

March 24, 2023 - Maria Domańska

45,000 body bags

Before the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the military purchased 45,000 body bags. Given Moscow’s belief in a short victorious war, the question must be asked: for whom were these body bags originally intended?

March 20, 2023 - Max Kidruk

How the post-war world could look like

The failures of the Russian army and the successful operations of the Ukrainian armed forces raise the question of the format of this war’s endgame. How will this new world look like?

March 10, 2023 - Valerii Pekar

It is finally time to counter Russian interference

One year after the onset of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the West’s unity and support for Kyiv still holds strong. However, Moscow’s other, often more covert, operations and interference have still been allowed to run rampant across the globe, with little done to counteract their damaging impact.

March 8, 2023 - Cameron MacBride

“We certainly want to be more present in European institutions”

An interview with Paweł Jabłoński, Undersecretary of State at the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Interviewer: James Jackson.

March 6, 2023 - James Jackson Paweł Jabłoński


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