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Issue 6/2022: Point of No Return




Future of Russia-West relations

End of an era. Three scenarios for the future of Russia-West relations Tony van der Togt

What would be the consequences of a Russian collapse? Agnieszka Legucka

Russia-Ukraine. Only one will remain Yevhen Magda

After Ostpolitik. Perspectives for future relations between Moscow and Berlin Jan Claas Behrends

Russian and Rashism. Are Russian language and literature really so great? Tomasz Kamusella

Why Russia needs decolonisation for its future democratisation Miłosz J. Cordes

What happens after Russia falls Helen Faller And Nick Gluzdov

What was so little about “Little Russia”? James C. Pear Ce


Opinion and Analysis

Poland’s Ukrainian refugee assistance as a transformational experience Maciej Makulski

Russia’s closure of the Jewish Sochnut agency reveals its true identity policy Vladyslav Faraponov

De-Stalinisation as a postulate of freedom Mariusz Maszkiewicz

The whirlpool of Belgrade’s EuroPride. Russophilia and Russian influence in Serbia Filip Mirilović

Towards a dissolution? Lex Inzko and the fight over history Aleksandra Zdeb

Strategies for the German Baltic Sea Council presidency during the Zeitenwende Iris Kempe

A waste of energy Dylan Van De Ven, S Amuel Frerichs, Alexander Malyarenko



Inaction is something we cannot tolerate An interview with Oksana Bulda and Liza Bezvershenko


Stories and ideas

Kharkiv – the city of resilience. Photo-report by Wojciech Koźmic

Modern East Germany’s dependence on Russian oil evokes old divisions Isabelle De Pommereau

Art, culture and society

Ukraine’s defiance goes beyond the battlefield Kate Tsurkan


History and Memory  

The best story. The Ukrainian past in Zelenskyy’s words and the eyes of the public Félix Krawatzek And George Soroka

What the past is for. Polish-Ukrainian memory politics and Putin’s war Daniel Edison


Zhyve Belarus! Analyses and perspectives. Two years since the 2020 Belarusian uprising

Introduction Jan Malicki

Belarusian political elites. New, imagined, lost? Maxim Rust

From utopia to dystopia Justyna Olędzka

The re-Sovietisation of Belarus Aliaksandr Papko, Kacper Wańczyk

Belarusian language and culture. Is the patient more alive than dead? Katarzyna Bieliakowa

Neo-totalitarianism as a new political reality in Belarus Pavel Usov

In anticipation of a new world Oleksandr Shevchenko

Gudijos istorija for the 21st century Andrzej Pukszto


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