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Tag: Russian invasion of Ukraine

Shelling over the big water

The recent destruction of the Kakhovka dam has resulted in dramatic consequences for the Kherson region. While many people have lost their lives, rescue teams continue to help survivors. In such difficult circumstances, it is important to hold onto anything resembling normality.

July 1, 2023 - Kateryna Pryshchepa

‘I don’t feel safe anymore.’ Belarusians in Lithuania – yesterday’s friends, today’s foes?

With a new law in Lithuania, Belarusian exiles in Vilnius have found themselves facing a new reality – are they no longer welcome?

June 27, 2023 - Benas Gerdžiūnas LRT

The blind spot of the West

The Russian invasion of Ukraine involves more than fighting on the front line. If we are to truly break free from the norms that brought about this conflict, we must interrogate long-established western perceptions concerning Russia’s reality.

June 20, 2023 - Valerii Pekar Yuliya Shtaltovna

“This was an election campaign dominated by the context of the war in Ukraine”

An interview with Stefano Braghiroli, Associate Professor of European Studies at the University of Tartu. Interviewer: Maciej Makulski.

June 12, 2023 - Maciej Makulski Stefano Braghiroli

Armenia: Russia’s backdoor to circumvent sanctions

Russia’s economy continues to suffer following new western sanctions imposed after its invasion of Ukraine last year. Despite this, some regional states like Armenia are now acting as middlemen in attempts to bypass these new restrictions.

May 26, 2023 - Aleksandar Srbinovski

“We see you, Russia, and we know how to counter your practices.”

An interview with Martyna Bildziukiewicz, head of the European External Action Service’s East StratCom Task Force. Interviewer: Maciej Makulski.

May 24, 2023 - Maciej Makulski Martyna Bildziukiewicz

The war in Ukraine looks paradoxical and rather obscure from a Croatian perspective

Interview with Miljenko Jergović, an award-winning writer based in Zagreb. Interviewer: Nikodem Szczygłowski.

May 22, 2023 - Miljenko Jergović Nikodem Szczygłowski

The end of a friendship? Orbán’s opportunism on Russia may break the Polish-Hungarian axis in the EU

Orbán’s Russia-friendly course over the last year strained relations with EU institutions and put the country at odds with fellow EU member states. With no imminent end to Russia’s war in Ukraine in sight, the continuation of this opportunism may cost him dearly, as Hungary could lose its last ally in the EU, Poland, for good.

May 15, 2023 - Gabriela Greilinger

“North Macedonia has made a clear national decision”

An interview with Slavjanka Petrovska, minister of defence of North Macedonia. Interviewer: Jovan Gjorgovski.

May 4, 2023 - Jovan Gjorgovski Slavjanka Petrovska

The unconscious imperialism of a convinced anti-imperialist

The famous writer Mikhail Shishkin is one of the few well-known Russians to voice strong opposition to Moscow’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine. Despite this, many of his words and actions still play into the hands of the Kremlin, ultimately aiding in the continuation of the war.

April 28, 2023 - Tomasz Kamusella

Ukrainian civil society as one of the key players in the Russo-Ukrainian War

Today, when we talk about the Russo-Ukrainian War and the future victory of Ukraine, we must remember the voice of Ukrainian civil society. This voice is significant now and it is clear that the two sides of the war will have to listen, both the aggressor (Russia) and the victim (Ukraine).

April 18, 2023 - Andrii Kutsyk

Where are the “good Russians”? The complexities of gauging Russians’ stance on the war

In spite of criticism related to the inaction of Russian society, it is important to remember the long-term societal trauma that has encouraged such silence.

April 13, 2023 - Joshua Kroeker


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