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6/2019: New (old) faces. A true makeover or cosmetic change?


Table of Contents

Identity politics is nothing new A conversation with Francis Fukuyama
A cold summer in Russia. A new wave of repressions and the rise of solidarity Artem Filatov
Shadow of a bear. How Viktor Medvedchuk turned from a marginal man into a grey eminence in Ukraine Petro Bilian
We want to transform Ukraine A conversation with Sviatoslav Yurash
Uncertainty and risk in Lukashenka’s times Andrei Kazakevich
The downfall of a captured state Denis Cenusa 
Slovakia’s new wave and its limits Pavol Szalai
Authority without power? Liepa Želnienė
From revolution to politics Mateusz Kubiak
A hot summer in Georgia Wojciech Wojtasiewicz
New president, old authorities Othmara Glas
Lord of the Flies. Power struggles on Central Asia’s island of democracy Rusif Huseynov


Overcoming challenges with innovation. Capacity building in Ukraine Berend De Groot, Maria Maslowska, Stefan Schleuning, Peter M. Wagner
International justice on hold Quincy Cloet
Big brother to the rescue? Can artificial intelligence help in Ukraine’s fight against corruption? Kristina V. Arianina
Intermarium in the 21st Century. A new path for Europe? Nick A. Cohen



Preserving the GDR Iwona Reichardt


I write for people who are like me A conversation with Elena Fanailova



A tale of two cities? Gabriele D’Annunzio in Rijeka and Fiume Jonathan Bousfield
German-Polish cultural dialogue in former East Prussia – a success? Marcel Krueger
Russia’s historical amnesia Joshua R. Kroeker


Intermarium. An empty signifier? Matthew Kott
Europeanisation is more than about the EU James Baresel
Between the hammer and the anvil Daniel Gleichgewicht
A volunteer’s journey to hell and back Maria Suchcitz
When Lviv became a city of angels Nataliya Parshchyk

Special section: From the Weimar Republic to the outbreak of the Second World War

A society lacking a consensus is a dangerous place An interview with Eric Weitz
Germany’s Weimar Republic. A narrative of ambiguity Rainer Eisfeld
Hostage to the generals Andrzej Zaręba
Colonialism continued Versailles and the end of formal German colonial rule Birte Förster
The short-lived Weimar cultural scene Kinga Anna Gajda


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