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Issue 3-4/2018: Para-states. Life beyond geopolitics


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Table of Contents


Uncertain territory. The strange life and curious sustainability of de facto states Thomas de Waal
New separatisms. Or what could happen if the West disappeared from Eastern Europe? Ziemowit Szczerek
How to set up your own para-state Paweł Pieniążek
Donbas coal bonanza Michał Potocki
Culture in a conflicted region Anton Ochirov
A recognised pub in an unrecognised state Knar Babayan
Peace is still far from reach A conversation with Leyla and Arif Yunus
Georgia’s separatist regions at a standstill Agnieszka Tomczyk
The red shoes of Transnistrian women Marina Shupac
De facto states and Non-recognition. A special series from the Black Sea Institute
A series of essays related to the topic of de facto state states, separatism and non-recognition by researchers from the Black Sea Institute.

The model student, the latecomer and the bully. NATO relations in Eastern Europe Dominik P. Jankowski
A house divided. Orthodoxy in post-Maidan Ukraine George Soroka
Will the long-awaited justice prevail in Ukraine? Kateryna Pryshchepa
The far right’s disproportionate influence Nina Boichenko
Sport, geopolitics and Russia. A short history Anna Maria Dyner


From Putin’s Russia to a non-Putin’s Russia An interview with Gleb Pavlovsky
The Odesan myth and the Ukrainian façade An interview with Professor Borys Khersonskyy


Veterans of the Bosnian War struggle for their rights Lidia Kurasińska
Witnessing another Putin victory Wiktoria Bieliaszyn


On mythical identities of mythical countries A conversation with Miljenko Jergović
Mickiewicz reactivated Grzegorz Nurek


Renaming streets. A key element of identity politics Anna Wójcik and Uladzislau Belavusau 
Memory of independence. A gap-filling exercise Mateusz Mazzini


Between an axis of convenience and a return to the past Marcin Kaczmarski
Eurasia and geopolitical thought Emre Kazim 
Ballad of a common soldier Piotr Pogorzelski
Russia’s wars on Ukraine Wojciech Siegień
Confronting the Romanian church’s cumbersome past Alin Constantin 
Russia and the Balkans. Navigating a minefield of opportunities Millie Radović


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