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Issue 5/2022: Division and loss


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September marked six months since Russia’s unprovoked invasion against Ukraine began. The destruction continues. In August, the Kyiv School of Economics estimated that the war has cost Ukraine 103.8 billion US dollars thus far. This is not to mention the human loss, cultural capital and agriculture. The authors of this issue address all of these topics, presenting the perspective from inside Ukraine. 

Table of Contents

Division and Loss

Ukraine’s suffering goes beyond the front line Oksana Forostyna

What the Russian invasion has cost Ukraine Lee Reaney

How Russia’s war estranged us, probably forever Iryna Matviyishyn

Revisiting the original loss. Crimea Maksym Popovych

Visualising the stories of war Masha Vushedsky

The bees of war Alisa Koverda

History lost. How Vladimir Putin’s historical conceptions led to the invasion of Ukraine Joshua R. Kroeker

Why Ukraine needs debt forgiveness Dorota Kolarska and Magdalena Milenkovska

The tragedy for Belarus and Ukraine Pavel Latushka

Can Georgia get back on track? Beka Chedia

Opinion and Analysis

Shame and a disintegrated society. The curious case of Russian intelligentsia Wojciech Siegień

The game of influence in the South Caucasus Tatevik Hovhannisyan

Georgian Dream faces a critical moment Nino Chanadiri

Germany as a bellwether for post-war European energy security Ismet Fatih Čančar and Marc Ozawa

Building back greener. A roadmap for rebuilding post-war Ukraine Oksana Khomei

The Asian front of the war in Ukraine Tiziano Marino


Sovereignty kills. Lessons learnt from the war An interview with Andrey Makarychev

Contemporary left in Georgia A conversation with Bakar Berekashvili

Stories and Ideas

Forced into exile, young Russian activists continue the fight against the regime Cristina Coellen

Art, Culture and Society

Women will shake and reverse public opinion about this war An interview with Liliya Vezhevatova

History and Memory

Modern Europe – forged in the Gdańsk Shipyard Basil Kerski

The unfin(n)ished story of the Baltic alliance Grzegorz Szymborski

Legacy of German Reunification. A view from the neighbours

From a fractious to uneventful relationship with the reluctant hegemon. German reunification from the Czech perspective Tereza Novotná and Vít Havelka

A gap in Polish-German relations Kinga Anna Gajda

Caution, “concrete utopias” and common threats. Dutch perspectives on German unity Florian Hartleb, Florian Lippert and Friso Wielenga

More Europe in the face of realpolitik’s return? French perspectives on 30 years of German reunification Marie Krpata


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