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The anatomies of evil

The ongoing crimes committed by Russian forces in Ukraine have shocked audiences across the world. However, there appears to be a certain banal nature to these seemingly extraordinary events. A reflection on the writing of Hannah Arendt may help us better understand how such unmitigated evil can occur on an everyday basis.

In early spring 2022, as the horrors of the crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine came to light, a picture of a looted house was posted on Twitter. In the image, among the many items scattered across the floor, there was a book with ripped pages titled Банальність зла. Суд над Айхманом в Єрусалимі (Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil).
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September 11, 2023 - Simona Merkinaite - AnalysisIssue 5 2023Magazine

Adolf Eichmann (inside glass booth) is sentenced to death by the court at the conclusion of the Eichmann Trial. Photo: Public Domain

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