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Migrants on the border (of the Polish imagination)

What makes Poles help Ukrainian refugees yet indifferent to the fate of migrants on the Belarusian border? Is this determined solely by the right-wing propaganda, which portrays the Ukrainians in good terms and those in Belarus in essentially bad ones?

The release of Agnieszka Holland’s film The Green Border (Zielona Granica), which depicts the human drama of people pushed across the Polish-Belarusian border and the helplessness of activists willing to help them – helplessness resulting from the specific political decisions of the Polish authorities – has been met with unprecedented heckling and brutal attacks in Poland. The outrage of the country’s highest-ranking politicians from the United Right coalition was clear.
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November 16, 2023 - Piotr Augustyniak - Hot TopicsIssue 6 2023Magazine

A scene from Agnieszka Holland’s film “The Green Border” which depicts the multi-layered reality that is unfolding at the Polish-Belarusian border. Photo: Promotional material courtesy of Films Boutique

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