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Memory sites in Tirana provide a deep connection to Albania’s recent past

Albania’s relationship with its communist past remains a difficult subject today. Often forgotten in the transition to democracy, these decades are remembered in different ways in the country’s museums. This article looks at how three institutions engage with this past, reflecting on their effectiveness and how they may ultimately preserve this historical memory for the future.

Historical narratives often treat a place as a witness to traumatic events. Three Tirana-based museums recounting difficult periods under Albania’s communist regime vividly illustrate this process. These include the National Historical Museum (1981), located in a building designed and designated as a cultural institution, Bunk'Art 1 and 2 (2014), located in authentic bomb shelters built as part of the “bunkerisation” of the 1970s, and the House of Leaves (2017), housed in a building that served as the headquarters of the Sigurimi state security service. Although they all depict the same story, each does so in a different way. The narrative is determined not only by the time the exhibit opened, but also by where it is displayed.
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July 4, 2023 - Kinga Gajda - History and MemoryIssue 3-4 2023Magazine

The National Museum is housed in a monumental building in Tirana, designed specifically for the institution. It is located in the city’s main square – Skanderbeg Square – on the site of a former neo-Renaissance town hall built during the Second World War. The building itself is already a relic of its time. Photo: roibu / Shutterstock

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