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Tag: United States

Europe still needs a security council

The creation of a European Security Council could be the right answer to growing uncertainty on the continent and beyond. Such a new format would be a signal to both allies and adversaries that Europe takes its own security seriously.

November 29, 2024 - Francis Shin

The forgotten beginnings of US-China diplomatic relations

In the shadow of Cold War tensions, covert diplomatic talks took place in Warsaw from 1958 to 1970 between the United States and the People's Republic of China. These talks, today largely forgotten, laid the foundation for a rapprochement that would change the course of global politics in the 1970s.

The 1950s were an immensely complex decade for global geopolitics. Numerous African and Asian nations started to regain their independence, redefining the old colonial world order and thus weakening past colonial superpowers, such as the United Kingdom or France. Above all, however, the new world order was emerging, dominated by the duopoly of the United States and Soviet Union and a visible division of spheres of influence between them.

November 21, 2024 - Konrad Szatters

Why Baltic security matters

From the perspective of the three Baltic countries, Russia's brutal war in Ukraine has only reinforced the notion that the United States is the key linchpin in the European security order. In the early hours of February 24th 2022, as Russia embarked on levelling Ukrainian cities, Washington called upon the 173rd Airborne Brigade to move swiftly from Italy to Latvia, thus assuring the most exposed Eastern European nations.

September 16, 2024 - Andris Banka

What Ukraine can teach America

The response of Ukrainian society to Russia's invasion stands out for its unity. Almost overnight, almost all sections of society agreed to work together to resist such aggression. This reality contrasts greatly with the divisions currently found in America, Kyiv’s most crucial ally.

February 9, 2024 - Sam Patten

Is NATO prepared to collectively defend its allies?

NATO wants its member states to spend more on their militaries, but governments need public support. While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a pivotal moment for both East and West, threat perceptions continue to differ. For current and future western governments to get public support for increased military spending, they need to explain the new threat environment now.

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has brought about a paradigm shift in western security and defence policy. A new kinetic war on the European continent has revived NATO. Its member states are adapting strategies and strengthening the Eastern Flank. We are witnesses to historic changes. Whether allies are willing and able to defend NATO territory depends on capabilities and political willingness. However, preparing for war tomorrow means investing in military capabilities and public awareness today.

July 4, 2023 - Marta Prochwicz-Jazowska

The abandoned homes of Poland’s most tourist-heavy region

Decades ago, Poles from the Podhale region flocked to the US in droves. But even those who never planned to return still refuse to give up their homes.

May 9, 2023 - Katarzyna Skiba

Security policy is not cheap nor is it easy

A conversation with Jonatan Vseviov, an Estonian diplomat and secretary general of the Estonian ministry of foreign affairs. Interviewer: Lesia Dubenko

February 7, 2023 - Jonatan Vseviov Lesia Dubenko

American agents of misinformation: Tulsi Gabbard, Russian propaganda and article 88

Kremlin apologists spreading disinformation during the ongoing conflict in Ukraine can be found on both sides of the aisle in US politics.

October 12, 2022 - Alan Cunningham

Redefining US strategy in the region

The time has come to strengthen Euro-Atlantic unity on its Eastern flank. A new US-led strategy should be aimed towards redrawing the line between Europe and Eurasia and to send a signal that the transatlantic community and the region of Central and Eastern Europe can be truly united, and that America is back.

The tenacity shown by President Joe Biden’s administration in their attempts to restore unity in the West has made others quickly forget all the tensions within the transatlantic community during Donald Trump’s four years. It is not only interesting to follow all the steps being taken by the new US administration, they also inspire optimism and confidence, creating expectations of geopolitical momentum. However, the consolidation of the West seems a far more complicated matter than previously thought.

September 12, 2021 - Dmytro Tuzhanskyi

Five ways President Biden should re-engage US foreign policy in the South Caucasus

Incoming US President Joe Biden should re-engage US foreign policy in the South Caucasus in order to function as a balanced foreign policy actor between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

January 14, 2021 - Taras Kuzio

US presidential elections: What is more important for Eastern Europe – a victor or a peaceful transition?

Countries in Eastern Europe will closely follow the outcome of the US election in order to understand how the result will affect the transatlantic relationship and US foreign policy towards themselves.

October 31, 2020 - Kennedy Lee

Great power competition returns to Central Asia

The Russian-Chinese duopoly retains strong clout in Central Asia. Western overtures to Central Asian nations, however, are still worrisome to Beijing and Moscow, which treat the region as their own backyard. Even though the United States is unlikely to replace Russian or Chinese influence in Central Asia, Washington can offer a geopolitical counterweight and expand its ties with the region, where a western presence is limited.

In early February this year US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, paid a rare visit to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. The visit was yet another signal that Washington, under Donald Trump’s presidency, wants to strengthen ties with Central Asian nations and challenge Sino-Russian domination in the region. Pompeo's visit was part of Donald Trump's administration broad effort to reinvigorate ties with Central Asian nations which has come ahead of the unveiling of the United States Strategy for Central Asia 2019-2025 in February this year.

July 7, 2020 - Natalia Konarzewska


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