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Redefining US strategy in the region

The time has come to strengthen Euro-Atlantic unity on its Eastern flank. A new US-led strategy should be aimed towards redrawing the line between Europe and Eurasia and to send a signal that the transatlantic community and the region of Central and Eastern Europe can be truly united, and that America is back.

The tenacity shown by President Joe Biden’s administration in their attempts to restore unity in the West has made others quickly forget all the tensions within the transatlantic community during Donald Trump’s four years. It is not only interesting to follow all the steps being taken by the new US administration, they also inspire optimism and confidence, creating expectations of geopolitical momentum. However, the consolidation of the West seems a far more complicated matter than previously thought.
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September 12, 2021 - Dmytro Tuzhanskyi - Hot TopicsIssue 5 2021Magazine

US President Joe Biden addressing the Ukrainian parliament in 2015, then as Vice President. The United States is the only power in the transatlantic community that can act in the region not simply as a leader of the West, but also to play the role of a uniting force. Photo: Sodel Vladyslav / Shutterstock

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