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Stadiums of Hate – A response to the criticism

In response to the criticism the BBC received over their investigative programme “EURO 2012: Stadiums of Hate”, BBC Panorama Editor Tom Giles has written this blog defending the programme.

July 2, 2012 - Example Author - New Eastern Europe newsletter

In the spirit of dialogue and discussion New Eastern Europe agreed to republish his response and allow readers to make their own judgement. The views expressed here are those of the author’s alone.

When Panorama, a 58-year old BBC investigative current affairs programme, aired a programme called Stadiums of Hate eleven days before a major football tournament and revealed shocking images of racist abuse and violence in and around football matches in the host countries, it was inevitable that it would prove controversial.

When it also showed a former England captain, Sol Campbell, reacting to the film’s footage of Asian supporters being racially attacked inside a Ukrainian ground due to hold EURO 2012 matches by urging England fans and families to stay away “if you don’t want to come back in a coffin”, a strong reaction – at some volume – was to be expected.

Panorama’s film-makers accepted that there would be accusations of “scaremongering” or “sensationalism” from some quarters – particularly in Poland and Ukraine, where there was strong national pride at holding EURO 2012. But we were ready and willing to defend this film, as we feel strongly that our reporting was both legitimate and fair and on an issue of genuine importance and public interest.

To read the full post click here: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/377


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