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Modern Leaders: Breaking or making trans-Atlantic relations

Populism appears to be gaining traction on both sides of the Atlantic with some leaders seizing the opportunity. Who or what will defend our present values and political establishments to bring us back to where we were before we lost ground? What are the risks to the trans-Atlantic partnership? Does the rise of populism mean […]

October 4, 2017 - Adam Reichardt Tod Lindberg

Breaking the comfortable silence on the Holocaust

A book review of Mūsiškiai (Ours). By: Rūta Vanagaitė. Publisher: Alma littera, Vilnius, 2016.

What makes Rūta Vanagaitė’s Ours (Mūsiškiai) very different from all other Lithuanian books on the Holocaust is that it was from the start written as a bestseller. Written by an experienced public relations professional as an appeal to the Lithuanian public, the book raises the painful issue of historical responsibility. The author does not refrain from giving a personal twist to the story (it would be impossible otherwise, as the Holocaust is an issue of individual position and individual responsibility). The author is piercingly direct and uses black comedy. She approaches the topic with composure and a sense of supremacy. These two features may irritate the reader. However, she is entitled to it as she aims to confront the reader, which she so eloquently achieves.

October 3, 2017 - Linas Vildžiūnas

China’s One Belt One Road Initiative – A push for influence or debt?

An interview with Sijbren de Jong, a strategic analyst at The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies. Interviewer: Małgosia Krakowska

MAŁGOSIA KRAKOWSKA: When the Chinese president announced the One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR), it was hailed as the “project of the century”. A report that you co-authored for the Hague Centre on Strategic Studies sheds much less optimism. What raises your concerns?

SIJBREN DE JONG: The answer is hidden in the modus operandi of the project. “The One Belt” refers to the land, economic belt, while the “One Road” refers to the maritime corridor. Under the scheme, Chinese financial institutions issue loans to countries in which the proposed OBOR related infrastructure will be constructed. Countries with a poor trade balance, for example in the Western Balkans, may benefit from the Chinese loans but also see their debt burden increase as a result. 

September 27, 2017 - Małgosia Krakowska Sijbren de Jong

The unexpected turn of #SaakashviliSunday

Sunday September 10th did not start well for Mikheil Saakashvili. The former Georgian President, former governor of Odesa and now former Ukrainian citizen and persona non grata in his adoptive home chose Sunday for his great return to Ukrainian soil. Already in the early morning hours, however, it appeared that nothing was going as planned and few actually believed that Saakashvili would make it across the border.

September 12, 2017 - Agnieszka Pikulicka-Wilczewska and Kaja Puto

The curious case of Mikheil Saakashvili

When on July 26th 2017 it was declared that Ukraine’s president, Petro Poroshenko, decided to rescind his previous decision of granting Ukrainian citizenship to the former president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili, political commentators in Ukraine all agreed that this was one of Poroshenko’s most irrational decisions since assuming office. Now, when the Ukrainian authorities have detained Saakashvili's brother, David, who has been living in Kyiv, the case looks even more bizarre, where state institutions are being used as tools to stop potential political competition.

September 6, 2017 - Example Author

From Berdychiv to the wider world

Please join us during the Lviv Book Forum on Sept 15 2017 at 13.00-13.45 for a discussion titled: From Berdychiv to the wider world. The identity of Joseph Conrad 160 years after his birth. The meeting is held in conjunction with a special section in the newest issue of New Eastern Europe on Joseph Conrad. […]

September 5, 2017 - Example Author

Instilling the Solemnity of Chernobyl

Just a few metres from the central Kontraktova Ploshcha metro station and close to the River Dnieper in the old district of Podil, the Ukrainian National Chornobyl Museum in Kyiv is hardly understandable by the western foreigners who visit it. And not just because of its old appearance and lack of explanations in English. Created in 1992 and funded by the Chernobyl Recovery and Development Programme, the museum looks old but is able to instil the solemnity of the tragedy.

While anyone would expect a documentation of the disaster and the destruction that took place and is still threatening the northern part of Ukraine and Belarus, the installations in the museum's four rooms looks more like an impressive memorial, where memories of the tragic events that injured this part of Ukraine are collected and preserved, to give the deserved dignity to this human tragedy.

April 25, 2016 - Giacomo Manca

Ten Years After EU Enlargement, Is East-Central Europe Fully Democratic?

Strictly political democratisation (free elections and the establishment of a multi-party system) was the fastest process to take shape in East-Central Europe, with the most visible effects; however, it was not without obstacles. For Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, in the spring and summer of 1990 the free parliamentary elections established a new political setting and the same happened in the Baltic states, after the fall of the USSR.

April 30, 2014 - Heloisa Rojas Gomez

Linguistic Initiatives Conquer Belarus

It starts at the moment of passport control on the Belarusian side. A disbelief and suspicion on the border officer’s face when hearing a foreigner replying in Belarusian to routine questioning in Russian is priceless. Soon it becomes apparent that this is a state bilingualism à la Belarus.

April 29, 2014 - Paula Borowska

Toruń Conference: Eastern Europe’s Colour Revolutions

The Department of Eastern Europe of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and New Eastern Europe cordially invite you to participate in the International Conference “Colour Revolutions in the Perspective of the Past Decade: Multidimensionality of the system transition in the post-Soviet area”, which will take place on June 27th 2014.

April 25, 2014 - New Eastern Europe

The EEU: The Economically Egocentric Union?

There is a Russian saying Не бей дубьем, бей рублем (ne bej dub'em, bej rublem), which means that if one wishes to bring harm to an opponent, the most effective way to do it is to apply economic, not physical, measures. Russia, despite the recent quasi-military intervention in the Ukrainian Crimea, seems to instinctively understand the gist of this phrase.

April 25, 2014 - Michał Romanowski

Michał Romanowski

Michał Romanowski is a Program Coordinator at the German Marshall Fund of the United States in Warsaw.

April 25, 2014 - New Eastern Europe


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