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Is peace possible between Armenia and Azerbaijan?

Following the September 2023 campaign by Azerbaijan to re-establish its sovereignty over all Karabakh region, the question now turns to the chance for a stable peace in the South Caucasus. Yet, to answer this question, one needs to examine the many dimensions of the conflict, including internal and geopolitical, to identify the main obstacles to peace. Only then can a strategy for such a process be developed.

In the shadows of the war in Ukraine, another regional development, interconnected to some extent with that conflict, also has the potential to shape the future of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet sphere. This is the Armenia-Azerbaijani peace process and the changing power balance in the South Caucasus. The geopolitical players shaping Ukraine's war and peace landscape also keep the Armenia-Azerbaijani peace process in focus. Nevertheless, there are distinctive features in both cases worth exploring.
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April 11, 2024 - Ahmad Alili - Hot TopicsIssue 3 2024Magazine

A military parade dedicated to the victory in the war over Karabakh was held in the city of Khanкendi in November 2023. The city is now under full control of Azerbaijan. Photo: The Presidential Press and Information Office's of Azerbaijan (CC) commons.wikimedia.org

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