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NATO 2023: Embracing a paradigm shift

While it is clear that there are a number of challenges and pending issues, the newly established sense of solidarity with Ukraine and urgency when it comes to territorial defence are driving domestic processes regarding NATO's adaptation and flexible response. Even if it is yet to be seen how quickly NATO states will adapt to the new environment and collectively share new commitments within the bloc, the new mentality is clearly being felt.

In the run up to the NATO Vilnius summit in July 2023, the Alliance is facing new challenges, but at the same time is benefiting from several opportunities stemming from the newly created sense of relevancy. The Russian aggression against Ukraine and the West has helped to revamp and restore the original purpose of NATO dating back to the post-Second World War period, especially in terms of the principle of collective defence.
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July 4, 2023 - Pavel Havlíček - Hot TopicsIssue 3-4 2023Magazine

Ukrainian soldiers train on a Leopard tank in Poland under the auspices of a NATO training mission. Today, substantial expectations towards NATO are articulated not only by Ukraine but also a number of other actors still standing outside of the transatlantic community. Photo courtesy of NATO

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