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Moldova (re)balancing its foreign policy

For the time being, Machiavellian principles dominate Moldova’s foreign policy. With pressure from the European Union targeting the rule of law and the need to find material benefits, the current Moldovan ruling elite is heading to the widest doors.

Since the first days of independence in 1991, the political class in Moldova has chosen to tie the country’s foreign policy to a bifurcated East-West orientation. This is reflected in the state’s governance as leaders constantly search for quick fixes from the outside. Thus, this geopolitical oscillation has become a modern Moldovan political tradition with the foreign policy dichotomy as a sort of "trademark" used to quickly interpret, not always accurately, public perceptions or the conduct of the political parties by observers both at home and abroad.
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April 6, 2020 - Denis Cenusa - AnalysisIssue 3 2020Magazine

Moldovan president, Igor Dodon, in a 2019 meeting with the Russian president Vladimir Putin. Dodon has invested considerable political capital in building a strategic dialogue with Russia. Photo: President of Russia (CC) http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/60598/photos

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