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Zbigniew Herbert. A witness to his time

A special selection of essays dedicated to the life and writings of Zbigniew Herbert from New Eastern Europe.

September 1, 2018 - New Eastern Europe - Herbert

In 2018 Poland celebrates the “Year of Zbigniew Herbert”. In the September-October 2018 issue of New Eastern Europe we present a special section on the renowned Polish poet and writer. Herbert, who published nine volumes of poetry throughout his life, became a moral authority during the communist period. Our authors revisit Herbert’s life story and worldviews, and discuss the impact he continues to have on this region while uncovering his ties to the East. The essays and articles are presented here for all our readers.


A barbarian in the besieged city Andriy Lyubka
Herbert, who looks at the cathedral tower Ostap Slyvynsky
Like two Gods. Herbert and Miłosz An interview with Andrzej Franaszek
Herbert and the East Walery Butewicz
A nomadic writer Kinga Anna Gajda

The special section was co-financed in part by the City of Kraków.


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