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Poland’s American Presidents

August 3, 2012 - Example Author - New Eastern Europe newsletter

Now online, Filip Mazurczak provides the historical logic behind the decision of American Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney to visit Poland during his recent foreign tour.

Poland's American Presidents

By: Filip Mazurczak

Presumed Republican candidate Mitt Romney in the 2012 United States presidential election surprised many by choosing Poland as the third leg of his July foreign tour. Sure, the United Kingdom, with which the United States has enjoyed a “special relationship” since the Second World War, seems like a logical choice. So does Israel, given its strategic significance as well as the fact that, according to polls, about two-thirds of Jewish-American voters support Romney’s rival Barack Obama.

While Romney’s choice of Poland may have been surprising, historically this Central European nation has often played a crucial role in American foreign policy, especially under the administrations of three presidents hailing from both the Democratic and Republican Parties—Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, and Ronald Reagan.

Read the full article online: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/404


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