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Editorial Staff

September 29, 2011 - Example Author - Uncategorised


Adam Reichardt is the Editor-in-Chief of New Eastern Europe. He is also a member of the editorial board of the Central European Journal of International and Strategic Studies (CEJISS). He previously spent eight years in public policy in Washington DC, as well as a large portion of his studies in Krakow, Poland, where he now permanently resides. Adam has an MA in Public Administration in Public and Non-profit Management from the George Mason University in Fairfax Virginia USA, and a BA in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. In 2012, he was nominated for the European Press Prize in the category of “Editing” for his work on New Eastern Europe and in 2014 named to the “New Europe 100” list of the region’s top innovators.

Contact: areichardt[at]neweasterneurope.eu 

iwonawebIwona Reichardt is the Deputy Editor and Lead Translator for New Eastern Europe. She has a PhD in Political Science from the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Her previous experience includes Foreign Policy magazine in Washington DC, and five years of policy analysis work with the World Bank. Iwona is also the author of a number of academic and policy papers, published in both Polish and English.

Contact: iwona.reichardt[at]new.org.pl

agawebAgnieszka Pikulicka-Wilczewska is an Editor with New Eastern Europe. She is a graduate of MA double degree programme in International Relations from the University of Kent and the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. She spent 2015 reporting from the Eastern Europe and Central Asia as a freelance journalist and photographer. Her articles and pictures were published in New Eastern Europe, the Guardian, the Moscow Times, EurasiaNet, OpenDemocracy and the Middle East Eye. She is also a co-editor of the book Ukraine and Russia: People, Politics, Propaganda and Perspectives (E-International Relations, 2015).  

Contact: apikulicka[at]neweasterneurope.eu

Contributing Editors:

Stuart Feltis (Kraków)

Isabel Fleming (Moscow)

Daniel Gołębiewski (New York)

Emily Look (Canberra)

Igor Lyubashenko (Warsaw)

Giacomo Manca (Brussels)

Editorial Offices

New Eastern Europe
ul. Mazowiecka 25 p/ 808
30-019 Kraków, POLAND

Tel.: +48  71 341 7197 

European Solidarity Centre
Plac Solidarności 1, 80-863 Gdańsk, POLAND
Tel.: +48 58 772 40 00

Publising & Distribition


The Jan Nowak-Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe
pl. Biskupa Nankiera 17
50-140 Wrocław
Tel.: +48 71 341 71 97
e-mail: office@kew.org.pl



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