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All Quiet on the Eastern Flank? Reflections after the June 2021 NATO Summit

This event will features experts and authors from the newest issue of New Eastern Europe which includes a special section on the security situation in our region.

June 17, 2021 - New Eastern Europe - All Quiet on the Eastern Flank?Events

Speakers provide a debrief from this week’s NATO Summit and talk about current threats from the perspective of the region, discuss how the Alliance is addressing them, and what are some emerging issues that face the transatlantic community.
The event was live streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
You can watch the panel discussion here:

Speakers include:
Ivana Karásková – China research fellow at the Association for International Affairs (AMO) in Prague & European China Policy Fellow at MERICS, Berlin
Maksym Khylko – Chairman of the Board at the East European Security Research Initiative Foundation in Kyiv
Wojciech Michnik – an assistant professor of International Relations and Security Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Jurgis Vedrickas – a policy analyst with the Eastern European Studies Centre in Vilnius
The discussion will be moderated by Adam Reichardt, Editor in Chief of New Eastern Europe.
The event is part of a special project co-funded titled “All Quiet on the Eastern Flank” funded by NATO Public Diplomacy.

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