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Tag: United Kingdom

Europe still needs a security council

The creation of a European Security Council could be the right answer to growing uncertainty on the continent and beyond. Such a new format would be a signal to both allies and adversaries that Europe takes its own security seriously.

November 29, 2024 - Francis Shin

Hard Labour: Britain’s new government looks eastward

The start of July saw Britain elect a Labour government for the first time in well over a decade. While promising change to voters at home, a level of continuity still appears to dominate London’s foreign policy. This is particularly true regarding the region, with a desire to overcome the tensions of Brexit adding nuance to well-established support for Ukraine.

July 22, 2024 - Niall Gray

Back to the future?: the return of David Cameron and Ukraine

The return of former British Prime Minister David Cameron to frontline politics has surprised observers at home and abroad. Taking up the position of foreign minister, the veteran politician will now oversee the country’s ongoing support for Ukraine. Such a role will undoubtedly be overshadowed by his failure to deter Russian aggression in 2014.

November 28, 2023 - Niall Gray

The Queen and Central and Eastern Europe: A personal relationship

The death of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II has led to an outpouring of tributes from around the world. In this regard, Central and Eastern Europe has been no exception. Such a response is emblematic of a human relationship that increasingly transcended politics.

September 19, 2022 - Niall Gray

Where now for Britain’s Ukraine policy?

The downfall of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson could not have come at a worse time for a besieged Ukraine. Now planning a major counteroffensive, the Zelenskyy administration had come to rely on the outgoing UK leader for arms and diplomatic support. The ongoing contest to succeed Johnson in the autumn will decide the future contours of this extensive bilateral relationship.

August 23, 2022 - Niall Gray

The war in Ukraine as a test for “Global Britain”

The United Kingdom has been one of the most prominent supporters of Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale invasion on February 24th. There is a broad elite consensus behind the UK’s hard-line position towards Russia and strong public backing for its support for Ukraine. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been eager to emphasise Britain’s leading role in providing military and diplomatic support to the country, seizing the opportunity to try to shift the national conversation away from a series of domestic scandals.

July 14, 2022 - Alex Nice

The more things change… Britain, Russia and the war in Ukraine

The Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine has upended its bilateral links with countries around the world. This is no clearer than in the United Kingdom, which has forged a rather contradictory relationship with Russia over the past few decades. British politicians are now faced with pursuing a clean break with this peculiar status quo in response to today’s exceptional circumstances.

It has not been an easy winter for UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Whether it is overlooking a friend’s paid lobbying or lockdown parties at Downing Street, the British leader has often found himself in the media spotlight for all the wrong reasons. This uncertain domestic situation has had a drastic effect on the fortunes of his own Conservative Party, with recent by-election results often turning in favour of opposition parties. Polls now show steady support for the Labour Party for the first time since Johnson’s landslide election victory in late 2019. Nevertheless, the famously resilient Boris continues to hold on to his job.

April 25, 2022 - Niall Gray

COP26 and Central and Eastern Europe: Views from the region

A climate summit may not be the most obvious place for regional states to make their diplomatic mark. Certainly, the area’s capitals have often been viewed as simply disinterested in such matters. Despite this, November’s pivotal COP26 talks have seemingly sparked a new wave of political engagement.

October 29, 2021 - Niall Gray

The UK in Serbia: Signs of a new regional strategy?

Ongoing debate surrounding the United Kingdom’s relations with the Balkans has naturally been dominated by its withdrawal from the European Union. Despite this, a recent charm offensive in Serbia may prove to be a turning point for Britain’s wider ambitions in the area.

July 12, 2021 - Niall Gray

Lessons for Brexit Britain from the Balkans

Disputes over sovereignty may drag on for decades. What can the UK learn from the conflict over Kosovo's sovereignty?

April 13, 2021 - George Kyris Luke Bacigalupo

The curious case of the UK-Russia report

Whilst the United Kingdom negotiates a new relationship with its more immediate neighbours, the Kremlin has also proven to be a regular fixture in British politics.

April 28, 2020 - Niall Gray

The UK’s post-Brexit sanctions policy towards Russia

Post-Brexit, the UK will no longer be constrained by the EU’s consensus-based decision-making and can re-calibrate its response in line with its domestic interests and with the pace of political urgency.

February 6, 2020 - Maria Shagina


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