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Author: Stefan Jajecznyk

Ukraine’s election shows democracy is thriving despite post-Maidan challenges

With the final round of the Ukrainian presidential elections just around the corner, voters will again take part in a democratic exercise that will strengthen their society.

April 19, 2019 - Stefan Jajecznyk

The British Left’s affinity for Russian imperial lies

The willingness of figures on the left-wing of British politics to repeat Kremlin soundbites about Ukraine remains ubiquitous and stunning.

February 4, 2019 - Stefan Jajecznyk

Reforming Ukraine – slow progress or unrealistic expectations?

Some western observers of Ukrainian reforms become frustrated with the slow pace. Perhaps they have unrealistic expectations considering the challenges the country faces?

October 2, 2018 - Stefan Jajecznyk

On the front lines with Ukrainian volunteers

There is a certain irony when British journalists are riding alongside Ukrainian Civil Society volunteers, delivering British military uniforms (purchased in Kyiv) to Ukrainian troops fighting Russian and separatist forces in the Donbas region – it shows not only that the world is truly a smaller place, but also that the situation on the ground in Eastern Ukraine is a dire one.

September 6, 2016 - Stefan Jajecznyk


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