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Tag: Baltic Sea

While Western Europeans smell smoke, we see fire

General Martin Herem, commander of the Estonian Armed Forces, explains how Estonia is preparing for possible aggression from Russia and why its approach may differ from the other Baltic countries. Interviewer: Rasa Tapinienė, journalist with LRT.

May 10, 2024 - LRT Martin Herem Rasa Tapinienė

Finding Sweden’s role in a new NATO

Swedish Minister of Defence Pål Jonson said earlier this year that "war can come to us too." Meanwhile, Minister of Civil Defence Carl Bohlin has appealed to the public to "mentally prepare for the outbreak of war”. Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Micael Bydén has even warned that war in Ukraine is not the Kremlin’s ultimate goal but only a step to tear down the existing rules-based international order. In March 2024, Sweden officially became the 32nd member of NATO. However, the road for this Nordic country, which has not been at war since 1814, to join the strongest defence alliance in the history of the world has not been easy.

April 30, 2024 - Karolina Zub-Lewińska

What are Lithuania’s goals and chances for NATO’s Vilnius Summit?

Preparations are in full swing for what will undoubtedly be the most important event for Lithuania in 2023: the NATO Summit in July. Vilnius, which will host the leaders of the world’s most powerful military bloc, has set itself ambitious goals. But security experts interviewed by New Eastern Europe's partners LRT stress that although Lithuania is organising the summit, this does not mean that it will have more influence on the agenda.

April 14, 2023 - Justina Ilkevičiūtė LRT Mindaugas Laukagalis

The Finnish effect of the war in Ukraine

The similarities between Ukraine’s war with Russia today and that experienced by Finland some eighty years ago are hard to ignore. While Moscow continues its attempts to stop Kyiv joining NATO, its aggression has only encouraged Helsinki to join the Alliance.

March 29, 2023 - Alex Gordon

Keeping watch at Lithuania’s most remote border post

The Curonian Spit or Neringa, a narrow peninsula wedged between the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon, has been relatively deserted due to pandemic restrictions – yet border guards working at the most remote crossing between Lithuania and Russia have not had much time to spare.

May 17, 2021 - Gytis Pankunas

Cold friendship, or tepid panic? Behind the scenes of the Swedish narrative on Russia and NATO

An interview with Dr Gregory Simons, Associate Professor at Uppsala University, Sweden. Interviewer: Mario Giagnorio

Despite being at the political margins of Russia’s foreign policy, Sweden’s political élite is weighing the NATO option. Their choices in security will play an important role in the Baltic Sea area in terms of stability.

September 29, 2020 - Gregory Simons Mario Giagnorio


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