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Author: Gytis Pankunas

River and fog instead of fence and radars: guarding Lithuania’s easternmost border

Increasing migrant flows from Belarus mean that we need to do more patrolling, say border guards at Tverečius checkpoint in eastern Lithuania. As this section of the border is not equipped with surveillance systems, officers rely on assistance from local residents.

August 30, 2021 - Gytis Pankunas Justinas Stacevičius

Keeping watch at Lithuania’s most remote border post

The Curonian Spit or Neringa, a narrow peninsula wedged between the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon, has been relatively deserted due to pandemic restrictions – yet border guards working at the most remote crossing between Lithuania and Russia have not had much time to spare.

May 17, 2021 - Gytis Pankunas


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