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Author: LRT

Is Russia targeting Lithuanian volunteers in Ukraine?

Numerous foreign volunteers are now present in Ukraine, delivering aid or fighting on the frontline against Russia’s invasion. Recent reports suggest that Moscow may be deliberately targeting such groups.

August 26, 2024 - Benas Gerdžiūnas LRT

While Western Europeans smell smoke, we see fire

General Martin Herem, commander of the Estonian Armed Forces, explains how Estonia is preparing for possible aggression from Russia and why its approach may differ from the other Baltic countries. Interviewer: Rasa Tapinienė, journalist with LRT.

May 10, 2024 - LRT Martin Herem Rasa Tapinienė

Behind Lithuania’s all-in Taiwan bet

Lithuania’s Taiwan pivot became the most high-profile example of the country’s proclaimed values-based foreign policy. Behind the layers of rhetoric, the emerging picture hints at other motives behind the move.

September 15, 2023 - Benas Gerdžiūnas LRT

‘I don’t feel safe anymore.’ Belarusians in Lithuania – yesterday’s friends, today’s foes?

With a new law in Lithuania, Belarusian exiles in Vilnius have found themselves facing a new reality – are they no longer welcome?

June 27, 2023 - Benas Gerdžiūnas LRT

Security threat or arbitrary rejection? Belarusian exiles battle with Lithuania’s migration policies

Russian and Belarusian citizens applying for residence in Lithuania have to prove they are not a threat to national security. They have to fill out questionnaires with questions like “Whose is Crimea?” and fear arbitrary decisions from Lithuania’s institutions.

June 16, 2023 - Jurga Bakaitė LRT

What are Lithuania’s goals and chances for NATO’s Vilnius Summit?

Preparations are in full swing for what will undoubtedly be the most important event for Lithuania in 2023: the NATO Summit in July. Vilnius, which will host the leaders of the world’s most powerful military bloc, has set itself ambitious goals. But security experts interviewed by New Eastern Europe's partners LRT stress that although Lithuania is organising the summit, this does not mean that it will have more influence on the agenda.

April 14, 2023 - Justina Ilkevičiūtė LRT Mindaugas Laukagalis

Europe’s water crisis – could Lithuania become a water-exporting country?

In 2022, Europe was hit by a historic drought, which made it re-evaluate its water reserves. Satellite data collected by scientists show that the continent has been experiencing a steady decline in freshwater for decades. Lithuania is not yet facing a shortage but may soon become one of Europe’s few freshwater exporters.

March 17, 2023 - LRT Patricija Kirilova

What would Sweden and Finland joining NATO mean for the Baltics?

By invading Ukraine, Vladimir Putin wanted to change Europe’s security architecture and stop the expansion of NATO. Instead, Sweden and Finland, traditionally non-aligned countries, are now considering to join the alliance. Their membership would have a major impact on the security of the Baltic states.

May 11, 2022 - Andrius Balčiūnas LRT

‘Lithuania was manipulated.’ Belarusian dissidents run headlong into migrant smuggling operation

On July 1st, Andrey Sharenda and Olga Pavlova slipped unseen past what looked like a Belarusian border guard camp set up metres from Lithuania. Moments later, a few dozen migrants crossed the border after them.

August 6, 2021 - Benas Gerdžiūnas LRT


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