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Lithuanian foreign policy: new position or new direction?

A change of government not only brings along new faces, but also novel solutions. Last year’s presidential and parliamentary elections in Lithuania showed the people’s will to transfer responsibility for foreign policy to President Gitanas Nausėda and his people. Does this mean a shift to another position or will it ensure the continuity of the country’s current direction?

February 7, 2025 - Paulius Gritėnas

Austria’s drift toward isolation: Kickl’s Russia ties and the risk of following Hungary’s lead in the war

Last year’s parliamentary elections in Austria led to the first-ever victory of the far-right Freedom Party. As its leader Herbert Kickl looks set to become chancellor, the party’s extensive ties to Russia are more relevant than ever.

February 6, 2025 - Viktoria Rybicki

Cultural trauma and European identity in Georgia and Armenia

Tbilisi and Yerevan’s attempts to move closer to bodies like the EU and NATO are by no means a modern phenomenon. Sharing a rich cultural heritage closely tied to the continent, both Georgia and Armenia have been forced to adapt to numerous outside attempts to sever this link to Europe.

February 4, 2025 - Kaha Baindurashvili

We need to fight for democracy in Slovakia once more

Interview with Samuel Marec, a Slovak translator, publicist and writer. Interviewer: Nikodem Szczygłowski.

February 3, 2025 - Nikodem Szczygłowski Samuel Marec

Navalny: a patriot and an imperialist

Alexei Navalny is still remembered best for his pro-democracy activities in Russia. Despite this, the activist also maintained a troubling loyalty to many aspects of Russian imperialism. A democratic future for the country will only be possible when such issues are confronted head on.

January 30, 2025 - Gabriele Kaminskaite

Serbian students in the fight against the authoritarian regime

Serbia is currently experiencing a wave of protests following the death of 15 people in Novi Sad. The collapse of a canopy at the city’s railway station has led students to take to the streets across the country to fight for a better future.

January 29, 2025 - Tatjana Đorđević

Russia as the “weakest link” in the international order at the beginning and end of the 20th century? – a comparative analysis

There has been a lot of debate over whether or not recent Russian history has been somewhat cyclical in nature. Successive collapses in the 20th century offer potential insights into the Kremlin’s behaviour today.

January 28, 2025 - Leonid Luks

Auschwitz-Birkenau. Death at a wave of a finger

As the years pass, the last witnesses to the nightmare of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the death factory where more than a million Jews from all over Europe were exterminated, are passing away. What remains is the camp itself, and the objects within it that allow historians and conservationists to learn the stories of individuals. Their stories not only help to understand the tragedy of the victims who were exterminated here, but add a human, personal dimension to these memories.

January 27, 2025 - Bartosz Panek Jarosław Kociszewski

Why India must distance itself from Lukashenka’s Belarus

In addition to being bought and paid for by the Kremlin, the embattled Belarusian dictator is becoming dangerously beholden to China. An opportunity now exists for India to actively distance itself from Minsk.

January 24, 2025 - Saahil Menon

How Moscow and its allies are undermining the non-proliferation regime

The Russo-Ukrainian War’s global repercussions increasingly subvert the foundations of the international nuclear order.

January 23, 2025 - Andreas Umland

The Three Seas Initiative in Europe facing Trump’s return: a calm or a storm?

Europe is anxiously watching as Trump assumes power, leaving the continent’s future uncertain. Given his first term’s reluctance to engage in multilateral relations, a close partnership with the EU seems improbable. Yet, Trump might provide wider support for regional frameworks like the Three Seas Initiative, which has recently gained significant momentum.

January 22, 2025 - Mariia Didkovska

A tribunal for Russia’s leadership?

At a time when Ukraine has been bleeding for three years as a result of Russia's brutal aggression, there is one thing that the victims of Russia's daily atrocities desperately need the most – justice.

January 20, 2025 - Andrii Kutsyk Dionizy Akulicz Kateryna Kyrychenko


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