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Author: Nicole Yurcaba

How to convey a war: a review of Oleksandr Mykhed’s The Language of War

Ukraine’s continued resistance against Russian aggression is also clear in the field of literature. While many writers now serve in the military, others are making a contribution through their continued engagement with writing. Oleksandr Mykhed’s new book offers a vivid insight into this development that is helping to document the nation’s struggle for freedom.

January 7, 2025 - Nicole Yurcaba

What each Ukrainian felt: a review of Kateryna Pylypchuk’s The War that Changed Us: Ukrainian Novellas, Poems, and Essays from 2022

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has seen the creation of a number of works detailing everyday trauma. In Kateryna Pylypchuk’s new collection, we can see how such writing can ultimately allow for a strengthening of the spirit in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

September 2, 2024 - Nicole Yurcaba

“One formula. Forty-eight nations”: a review of Russian Colonialism 101: How to Occupy a Neighbor and Get Away with It

As Russia’s aggression against Ukraine drags on, it is important to remember the wider forces that brought about this war. Exposing a centuries-old tradition of oppression emanating from the Kremlin, Maksym Eristavi has compiled a powerful book that demands an end to such colonial tendencies.

May 24, 2024 - Nicole Yurcaba

The diaspora, the meaning of family, and Ukraine’s difficult 20th century: a review of Megan Buskey’s Ukraine is Not Dead Yet

Ukraine’s troubled modern history has naturally had a profound effect on the millions of Ukrainians present in the diaspora. Among these people is Megan Buskey, who returned to the country of her ancestors and found a part of herself of which she knew very little.

April 19, 2024 - Nicole Yurcaba

Propaganda, a “Cursed Region” and the Yanukovych disease: a review of Olena Stiazhkina’s Ukraine, War, Love: A Donetsk Diary

The ongoing war in Ukraine now finds itself fighting for the attention of the global media. Thankfully, Ukrainians are managing to keep their plight alive in a myriad of ways. In her new book, Olena Stiazhkina describes her own experiences of the Russian invasion.

February 2, 2024 - Nicole Yurcaba

The way it was: a review of Zvi Preigerzon’s When the Menorah Fades

It goes without saying that Ukraine is full of Jewish history. Writing about Jewish experiences before and during the Nazi occupation, the author Zvi Preigerzon crafts a narrative that also resonates with events today.

December 13, 2023 - Nicole Yurcaba

More than just a joke: a review of Olga Onuch & Henry E. Hale’s The Zelensky Effect

Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s phenomenal rise to power is now becoming the subject of academic research. Such works are beginning to show how the leader’s experiences ultimately represent just one story in a country united in defence of its young democracy.

November 3, 2023 - Nicole Yurcaba

“Poetry as witness during a time of great atrocity”

A review of Babyn Yar: Ukrainian Poets Respond. By: Ostap Kin, ed., translated by Ostap Kin and John Hennessy and published by the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute.

August 18, 2023 - Nicole Yurcaba


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