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Author: Maia Lazar

To Siberia and Beyond

Syberiada Polska begins as it ends, in the idyllic rural town of Podola in “Czerwony Jar” in Eastern Poland. Staszek Dolin, the teenage protagonist, is shown running and jumping off a rickety old pier into a lake. His Jewish childhood sweetheart hesitates for a moment before jumping in after him. They immerse themselves in the […]

June 21, 2013 - Maia Lazar

A Difficult Journey Respected and Discussed

Much has been written about the recent opening of the new Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw. Several have commented that this museum and the fact that many more people attended the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising signifies a greater bridging of the gap between past and present that hasn’t been […]

May 30, 2013 - Maia Lazar

Potent Pieces to a Horrible Puzzle

A review of the exhibition On the Other Side of the Torah: Wartime Portraits from Tübingen, Galicia Jewish Museum, Krakow, Poland. The Galicia Jewish Museum in Krakow, Poland, is in a modern building that was once an old mill before the Second World War. This large space houses the permanent Traces of Memory exhibition, which […]

November 7, 2012 - Maia Lazar

A New Itinerary: Focus on Life, not Death

On July 7th 2012, New Eastern Europe and the Galicia Jewish Museum in Krakow along with the Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture hosted a discussion titled A New Itinerary: A panel discussion on Jewish Heritage Tours to Poland. Panellists included Shana Penn, Executive Director of the Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture, […]

July 16, 2012 - Maia Lazar

A New Itinerary: Focus on Life, not Death

On July 7th 2012, New Eastern Europe and the Galicia Jewish Museum in Krakow along with the Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture hosted a discussion titled A New Itinerary: A panel discussion on Jewish Heritage Tours to Poland. Panellists included Shana Penn, Executive Director of the Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture, […]

July 16, 2012 - Maia Lazar

Serbia Faces the Future

A Conversation with Branislav Radeljić, Senior Lecturer in International Politics, University of East London. This is a follow-up interview to a previous one with Branislav Radelić. To see the first interview visit: Has the Wolf Changed his Coat? NEW EASTERN EUROPE: Whose responsibility was it for Boris Tadić’s loss: the weakness of his team or […]

June 15, 2012 - Maia Lazar

Has the Wolf Changed his Coat?

Interview with Branislav Radeljic, Senior Lecturer in International Politics, University of East London. Interviewer: Maia Lazar, New Eastern Europe NEW EASTERN EUROPE: What risks does Serbia face with Tomislav Nikolić? BRANISLAV RADELJIC: It is difficult to predict how Nikolić would behave in such a role. He was an important figure in Vojislav Šešelj’s Serbian Radical Party […]

May 21, 2012 - Maia Lazar

Serbia Stays EU-Focused

On Sunday May 6th, Serbs went to the polls to not only vote in a contested presidential election but also for parliament. The opposition party, the Serbian Progressive Party which was recently criticized for, ironically unlike its namesake, being "far right" did not win the election after all, despite winning the most number of seats […]

May 11, 2012 - Maia Lazar


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