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Author: Daniel Jarosak

Breathing room: Poland’s minority communities after the elections

For years, minority groups in Poland have been feeling pressure both from the government and society at large. Now with a new governing coalition, there appears to be potential breathing room for many of Poland’s minorities. However, that does not mean that the road ahead is clear or easily navigable.

Poland is often described as a homogenous state – white, Catholic and ethnically Polish. The numbers, at face value, support this idea. This apparent homogeneity is reinforced by the media. Often as a throwaway line when describing Poland’s demographics, or, for more insidious motivations, by those on the far right. This characterization, however, grossly simplifies the story of Poland and its citizenry. Historically, both the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Second Polish Republic were heterogeneous states comprising a number of peoples, religions and languages.

February 7, 2024 - Daniel Jarosak

“What happens in Ukraine will have an immediate effect on us”

Interview with Martin Helme, leader of the Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE). Interviewer: Daniel Jarosak

August 3, 2023 - Daniel Jarosak Martin Helme

Fighting bullets and patronisation

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine in 2022, segments of the US foreign policy elite have been encouraging Ukraine to pursue peace with Russia. This encouragement would be one thing if it was done with Ukraine’s best interests at heart. However, a read through many publications by certain individuals reveals a patronising tone that often ignores the needs of a country fighting for its existence.

December 1, 2022 - Daniel Jarosak

Delusions of empires past

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is simply another imperialistic adventure. As history has shown, the end of an empire does not mean the loss of imperial ambitions. Unless Russia faces a complete and total defeat in Ukraine and is forced to contend with its past and current aggressions, there is very little to suggest that Russia will end its imperialistic mindset.

May 26, 2022 - Daniel Jarosak

Falling short

With the invasion of Ukraine well underway, the Russian military has performed abysmally. It is apparent that the reforms undertaken by the Kremlin to modernise its armed forces have been a failure.

March 18, 2022 - Daniel Jarosak

A Pyrrhic victory

Vladimir Putin seems to be in an enviable position. After the recent unrest in Kazakhstan, it appears that Russia has yet another avenue to expand its influence. However, this expansion could help usher in the demise of Putin and his regime in the Kremlin.

January 28, 2022 - Daniel Jarosak

Countering the realists on Russia and Ukraine

A review of The Sources of Russia’s Great Power Politics: Ukraine and the Challenge to the European Order. By: Taras Kuzio and Paul D’Anieri. Publisher: E-International Relations, Bristol, England, 2018.

Since the onset of Russian aggression in Ukraine in early 2014, there has been a plethora of works dedicated to the conflict, its impact on the West and the liberal world order, and Russia’s motives in pursuing such a bold strategy. Ukraine Crisis: What it Means for the West by Andrew Wilson and Russia and the New World Disorder by Bobo Lo are just a few (excellent) examples that seek to bring light to the ways in which the conflict in Ukraine is affecting international politics.

November 5, 2018 - Daniel Jarosak


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