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Author: Andrey Devyatkov

Revealing the Emptiness

The political regime in Russia seems to have fallen into a deep aesthetic crisis, which also has important political consequences.

May 15, 2013 - Andrey Devyatkov

Asymmetry – Unique Music, Location, Idea

Max Berger’s powerful entrance announces the Polish Asymmetry Festival 5.0, which will take place between May 2nd – 4th 2013 at the Wrocław-based Centennial Hall. The Main Scene will hold performance by, among others: legendary the Melvins and Mayhem; Cult of Luna returning with their new album; the hardcore audience favourites Amen Ra and a mix […]

April 26, 2013 - Andrey Devyatkov

Moldova vs. Transnistria: Thinking Beyond Pragmatism

Changes in the Transnistrian conflict are presenting an opportunity for Europe that could offer it a win in the Eastern Neighbourhood and at the same time reshape its relationship with Russia. But the European Union has to step up and think beyond soft power.

August 6, 2012 - Andrey Devyatkov


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