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Asymmetry – Unique Music, Location, Idea

April 26, 2013 - Andrey Devyatkov - Articles and Commentary

Malleus Asymmetry (1).jpg

Malleus Asymmetry (1).jpg

Max Berger’s powerful entrance announces the Polish Asymmetry Festival 5.0, which will take place between May 2nd – 4th 2013 at the Wrocław-based Centennial Hall.

The Main Scene will hold performance by, among others: legendary the Melvins and Mayhem; Cult of Luna returning with their new album; the hardcore audience favourites Amen Ra and a mix of styles: The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble and Shining. This is Asymmetry. This is a festival boldly exploring the contemporary music genres, offering the audience a trip into the artistic non-obviousness and guaranteeing good entertainment accompanied by a surprisingly composed programme. One of the indications of an “asymmetric” way of thinking is the Asymmetry Convention – a platform combining the best qualities of a science conference, trade fair and a meeting of the people of culture from the Eastern and Western Europe.

The Asymmetry Convention will take place between May 2nd – 4th 2013 at the Wrocław Congress Centre adjoining the Centennial Hall.

Entry to the events is free of charge, via the registration form: www.konwent.asymmetryfestival.pl/goscie-konwentu/

The event is directed towards all individuals interested with new media in culture, the presence of culture in the life of local societies, exchange of experiences between European culture animators, participants, journalists and artists.

The Asymmetry Convention creates a platform for meetings of cultural life organizers from local institutions with representatives of cultural institutions from Eastern and Western Europe, as well as Poland. The essence of the event is a forum dedicated to modern culture and culture management via utilizing up-to-date tools and business models. The natural result of the Convention is the erection of a partnership between culture managers, institution and festival directors, animators, local government representatives, artists and the audience. The Convention will be co-created by, among others, the directors of OFFF Festival from Spain,  Patarei Kultuuritolm from Estonia, Art Labirynth from Moldova, Avant Music from Russia, Art Pole from Ukraine,  Incubate from Netherlands, Iceland Airwaves from Iceland, Next from Slovakia, BoPromo Agency from Belarus, as well as Castle Party from Bloków, Reggae Dub Festival from Bielawa, Open Summer Festival from Kłodzko and Brave Festival from Wrocław.



11:00 | Presentations of European festivals


13:00 | “Internet – a chance for culture”

15:00 | “Do festivals serve the music or does music serve festivals?”

17: 00 | The Convention Stage | Wrocław Congress Centre:

Napszykłat [PL], Tolmunud Mesipuu [EST], Deathcats [EST], Kaido Kirikmäe[EST].

Main Stage | Centennial Hall

19:00 | Nevesis [EST], Balázs Pándi [HUG] , Agalloch [US], Mayhem [NOR], Matadores [IT], Vader [PL].

Third Stage | Centennial Hall

Outre [PL], Entropia [PL], Flyktpunkt [DE) ________________________________________________________________________


11:00 | A meeting of European festivals – co-operation and partnership.


12:30 | “Different music performance markets – Western and Eastern Europe”

14:30 | “Crowdfunding – social-based culture financing”

17:00 | The Convention Stage | Wrocław Congress Centre:

Plum [PL], Bnnt [PL], Kakaxa[UA], Woody Alien [PL].

Main Stage | Centennial Hall

19:00 | IconAclass [US], The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble [NL], Shining [NOR], Cult of Luna [SWE], Astronautalis [US].

Third Stage | Centennial Hall

The Disgrazia Legends [DE], Thowers [DE], Lo! [AUS]




12:00 | “The influence of culture on local development”

14:00 | “Utilizing new technology tools in cultural activities”

17:00 | The Convention Stage | Wrocław Congress Centre

Zapaska [UA], Perkalabski Prydatky [UA], Semantik Punk [PL], Bones’Orchiestra.

Main Stage | Centennial Hall

19:00 | Von Magnet [UK, FR], Matallic Taste of Blood [IT, HUG, UK], Amenra [B], Melvins Lite [US], Ufomammut [IT].

Third Stage | Centennial Hall

Social Party [CZ], Aran Epochal [CZ], Dead Sirens [PL], Downfall of Gaia [DE]

Current single-day and whole-festival ticket prices:

3-day (whole-festival) ticket – 230 pln

Single-day ticket (02.05.2013) – 100 pln

Single-day ticket (03.05.2013) – 100 pln

Single-day ticket (04.05.2013) – 70 pln

Whole-festival and single-day ticket are available at www.asymmetryfestival.pl and at the Ticketpro, Eventim, eBilet and Ticketketportal sale points.

More information:




Organizer: Firlej Club



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