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Nowhere to hurry?

The low rates of immunisation against COVID-19 in Ukraine can be explained by certain errors in the organisation of the process and the chaos on the ground. However, the main problem remains a lack of vaccine supplies.

As of mid-May, Ukraine has the lowest COVID-19 vaccination rates in Europe – a mere 2.2 per cent of the country’s population has received the first dose of the vaccine. To compare at the time of the writing of this text, neighbouring Poland has reached 31 per cent while Hungary 49 per cent. At the current pace, Ukraine’s Healthcare Centre estimates that it will take five years to vaccinate 60 per cent of the population with at least one dose.
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June 23, 2021 - Victoria Guerra - Hot TopicsIssue 4 2021Magazine

A woman gets her CoviShield vaccination in Kolomiya, Ukraine. The first batch of the India-produced AstraZeneca/CoviShield vaccine of 500,000 doses arrived in Ukraine on February 23rd. Photo: Erika Richard / Shutterstock

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