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Author: Armen Grigoryan

The war in Ukraine and historical revisionism

The Kremlin has been eager to draw parallels between its ongoing invasion of Ukraine and the Second World War. Stressing the idea that it is fighting Nazism much like in its “glorious” past, the country’s controversial ideology has been in development ever since Putin came to power.

May 23, 2022 - Armen Grigoryan

The disastrous war in Eastern Europe is increasing existing tensions in the South Caucasus: A view from Armenia

Yerevan’s close security links with the Kremlin have encouraged beliefs that the country simply follows orders from Moscow. However, Armenia’s diverse experiences related to the ongoing war in Ukraine show that this could not be further from the truth.

April 14, 2022 - Armen Grigoryan

The war in Ukraine and western appeasement

The conflict in Ukraine has encouraged western countries to reassess their overall relations with Russia. Despite this, some apologists continue to hold on to the paradoxical relationships that ultimately led to the conflict in the first place.

March 23, 2022 - Armen Grigoryan

Armenia’s unique experience with COVID-19

Whilst Armenia has suffered from many problems since the end of its recent war with Azerbaijan, its experiences with COVID-19 have seemingly been better than many countries. This is despite the fact that various social and institutional factors should have resulted in the opposite outcome.

January 12, 2022 - Armen Grigoryan

The Armenian revolution: a mishandled opportunity

Inept management and inconsistent policies have caused disappointment among an Armenian civil society eager for reform.

July 5, 2021 - Armen Grigoryan


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