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Talk Eastern Europe 33: Ukraine reshuffles the government

In the latest Talk Eastern Europe podcast Adam and Maciek open the episode with a discussion on how the coronavirus situation is developing in the Eastern Partnership countries. They also highlight one small bit of good news in recent days, despite all the bad news that has been dominating the headlines.

March 27, 2020 - Adam Reichardt Maciej Makulski - Blogs and podcasts

Photo (CC): Mykhaylo Markiv / The Presidential Administration of Ukraine - wikimedia.commons.org

The episode then focuses on the main topic of the podcast which is the recent shuffling of the cabinet of ministers in Ukraine, which includes a new prime minister and foreign minister. Adam interviews Hennadiy Maksak, head of the Foreign Policy council “Prism”, for his insight on the political changes. They discuss the reasoning behind it, how will it affect relations with the West and what are the latest developments regarding the war in Donbas.

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Listen to “Episode 33: Ukraine reshuffles the government” on Spreaker.


NEE’s ongoing coverage of the Coronavirus in the Eastern Partnership states: https://neweasterneurope.eu/2020/03/16/coronavirus-in-the-eastern-partnership-states/

Anton Naychuk: “What’s next for Ukraine’s oligarchs?” New Eastern Europe Issue 1-2/2020. https://neweasterneurope.eu/2020/01/28/whats-next-for-ukraines-oligarchs/

Mattia Nelle: “A turn to the past: Ukraine’s troubling government reshuffle” European Council on Foreign Relations https://www.ecfr.eu/article/commentary_a_turn_to_the_past_ukraines_troubling_government_reshuffle

The Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism” http://prismua.org/en/

Music featured in the podcast licensed under the Creative Commons license 3.0/4.0:

Intro/outro: “Indie Rock” by Scott Holmes: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Scott_Holmes/Road_Trip_Indie_Rock/Indie_Rock_1327

“Chill Wave” by Kevin MacLeod. https://filmmusic.io/song/3498-chill-wave License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/   

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