Talk Eastern Europe 26: Fighting anti-western narratives in Georgia
Welcome to Episode 26 of Talk Eastern Europe! This episode features an interview with Marta Ardashelia of Sova.News – a Russian language portal based in Georgia.
December 10, 2019 -
Adam Reichardt
Maciej Makulski
Blogs and podcasts

Photo (CC) public domain
Adam and Maciek introduce the episode with a brief roundup of some of the most important developments in the region, including a look at the Normandy Summit in France and recent developments in Belarusian-Russian integration.
Maciek then interviews Marta (17.35) and they discuss the challenge of Russian disinformation in Georgia, the rise of anti-western narratives in Russian-language media and how to combat it with a project like Sova.News.
Listen to “Episode 26: Fighting anti-western narratives in Georgia” on Spreaker.Resources
– Five things to know in order to not freak out over the upcoming Putin-Lukashenka meeting by Yahor Azarkevich (New Eastern Europe):
– Is Zelenskyy’s peace with Russia worth the price of Ukraine’s capitulation? By Taras Kuzio (New Eastern Europe):
– Sova.News – a Russian-language portal based in Georgia:
Marta Ardashelia on Twitter: @Ardashelia (
Music featured in the podcast licensed under the Creative
Commons license 3.0/4.0:
Intro: Indie Rock by Scott Holmes:
hot lite core by panu:

This episode is supported by funding from the Polish Embassy in Tbilisi in the framework of the NATO Contact Point Embassy (We thank them for their support!)