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Kraków in June – the city of poetry

The 8th edition of Czesław Miłosz Festival to take place in Kraków on from 6 to 9 June 2019.

May 30, 2019 - New Eastern Europe - Events

”Czesław Miłosz, the citizen of Poland and the world, during his life always cared about opening the Polish literature to the world literature” – wrote Krzysztof Siwczyk, the programme director of this year’s edition of Miłosz Festival in Kraków. And indeed, in addition to having standard events that take place at such international gatherings, the mission of this Festival is to create space for intercultural understanding and dialogue. A place where Polish and foreign poetries will listen to one another.

This year’s edition of the Festival will take place from 6 to 9 June 2019. Its telling title “The Seizure of Power” is a reference to the first novel authored by Miłosz in which he unmasked the mechanisms of Stalinism and analysed the seizure of symbolic power – through the imposition of thinking about the reality and the language through which we interpret reality.

As always, among the Festival’s guests are poets and writers from western and eastern parts of the European continent. For this and the above reasons New Eastern Europe is a proud media patron of this event.

For more information see: www.miloszfestival.pl.


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