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Soshana – Collector of Worlds

September 15, 2013 - Example Author - News Briefs



The Galicia Jewish Museum in Krakow invites you to the opening of their new exhibit Soshana – Collector of Worlds. Tuesday September 17th, 2013 at 18.00.

The exhibition presents paintings by Soshana (born 1927 in Vienna), an Austrian artist of Jewish descent, whose output received international acclaim. This is the first exposition of her works in Poland. The selected paintings, similar to all of Soshana’s work, are very diverse, both in terms of stylistics and subject matter. This makes her an artist who is quite hard to classify. For Soshana, painting was always (and still is) the fundamental way of experiencing and expressing the world, a way to enter into a dialogue with reality, and a way of being open to the inspirations coming from it. “To me, painting is like writing a diary,” she says.

In Polish with English translation, admission free.


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