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Folkowisko – On the Edge of the World

June 26, 2013 - Example Author - Bez kategorii



Folkowisko is a Borderline Culture Festival dedicated to the forgotten culture of local Polish, Ukrainian and Jewish people. Although it is a folk festival, there are also less rural activities among its attractions. The festival takes place annually, on the second weekend of July in the small Polish village of Gorajec situated in the Roztocze region, near the border with Ukraine. It lasts for three days, Friday to Sunday, or even longer for some especially tough guests. Its main goal is to promote the multicultural tradition of the Roztocze region, breaking stereotypes and educating, whilst having a good time in good company.

The idea of the venture first appeared four years ago during an informal meeting of friends almost on the edge of the world. This year, the third official edition of Folkowisko is to take place. In the past years, we have had guests from the whole of Poland as well as from Ukraine, France, England, Spain and Russia. In 2012 there were 250 tickets sold, and there were around 1000 people visiting our festival. This year, there will be 350 places for tents and we expect almost 2000 people during the whole event.

Among the artists and musicians involved have been famous Polish writers Andrzej Stasiuk and Jacek Podsiadło, as well as musicians of R.U.T.A., Dagadana – a Polish- Ukrainian trio, Liudy Dobri – a band from Lviv, Klezmaholics – a collective which presents Jewish music, bards Jacek Kleyff i Kuba Blokesz, folk band Styrta and two music groups from Krakow: Vladimirska and Porembisko. Folkowisko is not just a music event, it is indeed an extraordinary adventure.

There are miscellaneous activities during the three festival days: a Storyteller’s Night, walking tours, car and bicycle rides, canoeing, various workshops, movies with English subtitles and unique games. In recent years our guests could also hear Cossack legends, see pictures from a journey to Iran and exploration of Mongolia. Everybody who likes folk music, history and stories, nature and open air events is welcome. Whoever is looking for a new experience, unknown people, places, activities or cultures will love Folkowisko.

One can try regional cuisine and wear regional costumes, spend the whole day drinking beer and lying on the grass or go for an extreme river walking tour. Guests can sit by the fire talking to new friends all night or spend that night dancing under the stars. In brief, they can do everything they love.

For more information contact: Tomasz Augustyniak +48 695093505 or Maciej Piotrowski + 48 510820855






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