FREE Preview of Issue 2/2013
April 1, 2013 -
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Still unsure about buying a digital copy of NEE? You can now download nearly 50 pages of the current issue for free! Via our app for iPad, Google Android, or even online and read on your computer!
We now offer a FREE PREVIEW version of issue 2/2013. The free issue includes:
1) A fragment of the essay by Zygmunt Bauman,
2) The Yugo Aftershock – by Ziemowit Szczerek
3) Expectations and Reality Collide in Tiraspol – by Piotr Oleksy and Kamil Całus.
4) A Book review of the Polish book Ciemno, Prawie Noc (Dark, Almost Night) by Zośka Papużanka
5) An additional exclusive interview with Miljenko Jergović (whose full text is in the current issue).
The free issue is available for download. Follow the links below to access your free issue:
Visit NEE on the apple App Store for iPads and iPhones
Visit NEE on Google Plus for Android powered tablets and smartphones
Download on your computer via PocketMags
To learn more about the full issue visit: