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An Auction Like No Other

August 28, 2012 - Example Author - News Briefs



Would you like to buy Marx or Engels’ “legs” or their bust?

Sunday, September 2nd 2012, is the last day of the exhibit GDR: Stories from a Vanished Country at the Krakow-based International Cultural Centre (MCK). To mark this closing, MCK and the Krakow Humane Society (Krakowskie Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zwierzętami) invite you to a socialist-style auction.

The auction will be conducted by Edyta Gajewska (MCK) and Magdalena Hejda (TVP Kraków, Gazeta Krakowska).

The organisers also invite you to submit GDR-made products or anything from the countries that no longer exists to be sold at the auction.  

The items for the auction can be delivered to MCK (Rynek Glowny 25) until August 31st 2012 (Monday-Friday 10am-4pm – please arrange by phone) as well as on the day of the auction between 11am and 3pm.

All collected funds will be donated to Krakow’s Humane Society: www.schronisko.krakow.pl

The rules of the auction can be found at: www.ktoz.krakow.pl and www.mck.krakow.pl

For information please call: +48 12 424 28 00.

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