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The New Eastern Europe Political Cartoon Competition

April 19, 2012 - Example Author - News Briefs



New Eastern Europe is pleased to announced a contest for the best political cartoon related to Eastern Europe. Submitted cartoons will be assessed by the editors of New Eastern Europe and its Polish-sister Nowa Europa Wschodnia, as well as our contributing artist and graphic designer. The winner of the competition will be awarded with a free subscription to New Eastern Europe, plus publication of their drawing in the next issue of New Eastern Europe.

The cartoons need to be authentic and shouldn’t have been published before.

The deadline for submissions is May 15th, 2012.

Technical requirements:

Please scan in your submissions according to the technical information below.

Colour: Black and white (elements in panton 1797 C also allowed)
File type: jpg, tiff,
Resolution: min. 600 dpi. 
Page size: 235×165 + 3 mm bleed on each side
Please submit drawings to us by email: editors@new.org.pl


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