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Author: Jozef Hrabina

Three Seas Initiative goes beyond abstract regional concept

The idea of an alliance between the countries of Central and Eastern Europe has remained a popular theory over the past century. Despite this, outside actors have kept such an idea from becoming reality. The Three Seas Initiative of today possesses the potential to truly realize this coalition in testing times.

April 10, 2024 - Jozef Hrabina

Could Slovakia go rogue after the elections?

The victory of Robert Fico and his Smer party in the recent Slovak elections has caused fears that the country may adopt a more pro-Russian foreign policy. Despite such rhetoric during the vote, it is important to remember that Fico remains a pragmatic actor who understands how the game is played.

October 13, 2023 - Jozef Hrabina

Ukraine should become a key stakeholder in Central and Eastern European energy security

Europe is currently faced with a dilemma in its energy policy. While sanctions against Moscow have ended supplies from Russia, the EU and many member states are transitioning to more green energy sources. Given the current uncertainty facing the continent, a stronger energy partnership with Kyiv may be just the remedy.

September 6, 2023 - Jozef Hrabina

From bridge to battlefield: re-emergence of Central and Eastern Europe as centre of struggle for power

After efforts to integrate Russia into the liberal order eventually failed, Central and Eastern Europe is being transformed into an arena of confrontation.

February 13, 2023 - Jozef Hrabina

Thirty years of Slovak independence: A roller-coaster country

The war in Ukraine is the latest test Slovakia has had to face since its independence. Despite being vulnerable to Russian disinformation, the country has shown remarkable resilience and unity.

July 18, 2022 - Jozef Hrabina

The real danger of “Thucydides Trap” in post-Soviet space

The ongoing war in Ukraine has unveiled more of Russian thinking on foreign policy to the world. Faced with a neighbourhood increasingly looking to the West, Moscow has turned to conflict in an attempt to maintain its power and influence in the region.

June 6, 2022 - Jozef Hrabina

A “Realism 101” lesson on Russia’s zero-sum logic

The Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine has resulted in an unprecedented level of western sanctions. Whilst Moscow did not appear to anticipate such a united response, the nature of the conflict suggests that these developments were simply inevitable.

May 9, 2022 - Jozef Hrabina Zulf Hyatt-Khan


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