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Alejandro Esteso Pérez

January 20, 2024 - Giorgi Beroshvili

Alejandro Esteso Pérez is a political analyst and researcher specialised in the Western Balkans and EU enlargement. He has developed his career between EU institutions, the think-tank sector and academia, gathering over five years’ experience in and around the Western Balkans. He currently pursues PhD studies in Political Science at the University of Graz in Austria, and regularly contributes to several media outlets through written analyses and opinion pieces on Western Balkan political affairs and EU integration.

Read what Alejandro has to say about the Think Tank School:

My advice for any future participant at New Eastern Europe’s school is to come with an open mind and an open heart. The diversity of experiences and the intensity of a full-week programme, with Eastern Europe at its core, is what makes this school one of a kind. The inter-personal connections that have been created are there to stay, which is one of the most rewarding parts of this initiative.


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