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Author: Giorgi Beroshvili

Questioning the irreversibility of European integration: implications for Moldova

For most of the last 30 years, the process of European integration has been seen as an irreversible one, with the creation of a strong justice system through reforms and the guarantee of the rule of law being one of the key endpoints. The assertion that "the process of European integration is irreversible" has long been present in the public space and has been taken over by the pro-European government in Chisinau. However, recent experiences of some European countries prove otherwise and demonstrate that democracy is not guaranteed, even in the European Union.

September 25, 2023 - Cristian Bolotnicov

Russian migration during the war in Ukraine: reality and challenges in the host countries

The war in Ukraine has caused millions of people from the country to flee to various states in Europe. Despite this, there are also many Russians who have attempted to leave their own country following the full-scale invasion. This phenomenon has been met with different responses in various states near Russia.

September 21, 2023 - Nino Chanadiri

Slovakia’s parliamentary election: the leaders and the kingmakers

The race to reach the parliamentary threshold promises to be as nerve-wracking as the race for first place.

September 19, 2023 - Ladislav Charouz

Behind Lithuania’s all-in Taiwan bet

Lithuania’s Taiwan pivot became the most high-profile example of the country’s proclaimed values-based foreign policy. Behind the layers of rhetoric, the emerging picture hints at other motives behind the move.

September 15, 2023 - Benas Gerdžiūnas LRT

The impact of the war in Ukraine on the future of Europe: what if Ukraine becomes a nuclear state?

Russia continues to issue periodic nuclear threats in relation to its invasion of Ukraine. Whether this involves nuclear weapons or power plants, it is clear that Moscow views this rhetoric as a useful tool. Questions must now be asked as to whether Kyiv may once again attempt to acquire such weapons in order to defend itself.

September 14, 2023 - Davit Totadze

Re-federalisation: avoiding the risk of Russia’s collapse

While western elites continue to support Ukraine, they also worry about the potential collapse of Russia following a defeat on the battlefield. In order to overcome this binary, we must discuss how to truly transform the Russian Federation into the pluralist state it is on paper. Such change would rely on the “re-federalisation” of the state first and foremost.

September 13, 2023 - Dmytro Zolotukhin Valerii Pekar


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