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Tag: Re-federalisation

To dissolve, or not to dissolve: what makes Russia’s indigenous movements suspicious of re-federalisation proposals?

There has been a great amount of talk recently about the potential “re-federalisation” of Russia. Seen as a safer option compared to a potential collapse, reform has drawn support from people both inside and outside the country. Despite this, such an approach ultimately overlooks the concerns of ethnic minority activists, who fear that re-federalisation would only support the status quo.

October 9, 2023 - Dor Shabashewitz

Re-federalisation: avoiding the risk of Russia’s collapse

While western elites continue to support Ukraine, they also worry about the potential collapse of Russia following a defeat on the battlefield. In order to overcome this binary, we must discuss how to truly transform the Russian Federation into the pluralist state it is on paper. Such change would rely on the “re-federalisation” of the state first and foremost.

September 13, 2023 - Dmytro Zolotukhin Valerii Pekar


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