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Issue 2/2016: The Eve of Uncertainty

New Eastern Europe Issue 3-4/2016: All for one, one for all?


New Eastern Europe Issue 3-4/2016: All for one, one for all?

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Issue 2/2016


Opinion & Analysis

The return of Eurasia? Bruno Maçães
A new Eurasian paradigm Adam Balcer
A brief history of “Orbanisation” János Széky
Seeking the truth in Nemtsov’s assassination Vadim Prokhorov and Anastasia Sergeeva



An alternative in a world without alternatives Tomas Venclova
European ideals are now being tested Aslı Erdoğan
The perils of invoking “European values” Luiza Bialasiewicz
The centre cannot hold Samuel Abrahám
No longer seen as second-class Natalia Sniadanko
A struggle for ideals Matthew Kott
Angst and hope on the edge of Europe María Do Mar Castro Varela
DOUBLETAKE: A revival of nation state ideology Anton Shekhovtsov
Tilting at windmills. The debate on terrorism in Europe Wojciech Michnik 

Poland and Germany. Through thick and thin – 25 Years of Good Neighbourhood

Resolving borders and building bridges Basil Kerski
A partnership on trial Wolfgang Templin
Poland and Germany, yesterday and tomorrow Kai-Olaf Lang
From foe to friend. Bringing Poles and Germans together Agnieszka Łada
The future of Ukraine is the future of Europe Yaroslav Hrytsak

Trying to move a rock. Lustration in Ukraine Igor Lyubashenko
In search of Odesa’s identity Andrzej Szeptycki
Kaliningrad: A beleaguered fortress or Russia’s western gateway? Paulina Siegień


Let’s not isolate Russia An interview with Yuri Dzhibladze
Civil society cornered in Hungary A conversation with Veronika Móra


Russian truckers take it to the streets Arseniy Vesnin
Seeking refuge in distant Portugal Cátia Bruno


Interpreting memory Monika M. Eriksen


A theory of self and human existence Leonidas Donskis
Ukraine’s own Stalingrad Eugene Sobol
On the aesthetics of a post-apocalyptic world Matteusz Mazzini
The story of migration, centuries in the making Kacper Dziekan


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