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Issue 2/2018: The many faces of Putin


As Vladimir Putin is set to win a fourth term as president of the Russian Federation, the March-April 2018 issue of New Eastern Europe takes a deeper look at the consequences of Putin’s presidency and what could eventually come after…

Table of Contents


A Tale of Two Putins Mark Galeotti
To challenge Putin’s regime Konstantin Eggert
Is Putinism sustainable? Łukasz Kondraciuk
Russia’s generation P Elizaveta Gaufman
In the name of Matilda Zbigniew Rokita
Russia’s Middle East crusade Paweł Pieniążek
A German riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma Liana Fix
How Russia could leave Crimea Pavel Luzin
Helping refugees in Russia. An act of bravery? Natalia Smolentceva
Ukraine’s aviation fiasco Martin Rivers
Activists fight for Ukraine’s disappearing Soviet mosaics Elizabeth Short
Seeking the Eastern Partnership’s greatest integer Andriy Tyushka
The redrawing of the Eastern map Nina Lutterjohann
Eastern Partnership and the final frontier Paweł Ziemnicki


Macedonia is turning the page An interview with Zoran Zaev
Yevpatoria: Crimea’s microcosm An interview with Stanislav Tsalyk


In Macedonia it takes tourism to raise a dying village Fieke Snijder and Samantha Dixon
Becoming the promised land once again Emil Staulund Larsen And Emily Jarvie


Coming out in Minsk Maxim Rust


A “Eurasian” Ukraine Adam Balcer
The forgotten border Uwe Rada
Justice delayed not denied. Stalin and history on trial in Kyiv Tomasz Lachowski


Detangling Putin’s web in the West Matthew Kott
The Soviet revolutionary Matt Andersen
A right to remember, a right to forget Mateusz Mazzini
A history lesson on European integration Dominik Wilczewski


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