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Author: Ruben Martinez

Stateless in Riga

Walking quietly around the cobbled streets of Riga’s old town, Zanna explains to a group of tourists about the particularities of the Art Nouveau style that adorn many of the facades of the buildings in Latvia’s capital city. For many years now, this 71-year-old woman has worked as a tour guide for Russian visitors in the country where she was born after her father, who was born in Russia, was sent to the Baltic shore to fight the Germans in the Second World War. Zanna, born in 1941, never knew her father. He set off for the war one day and never made it back.

March 31, 2014 - Ruben Martinez

Demographics in Latvia: Plans for repatriation

According to the results of a recent census, the population of Latvia plunged 13 per cent during the first decade of the 21st century due to a low birth rate and emigration. The authorities, however, have now decided to address the country's demographic problem, and hope to attract as many as 100,000 Latvians back to […]

November 6, 2012 - Ruben Martinez


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