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Author: Rigels Lenja

Is Central and Eastern Europe a lost bet for China?

Following the economic crash in 2008, China became an attractive option for regional governments hoping to weather the storm. Despite this, many of the promises and agreements made at this time have caused more trouble than good. This is best seen in the fading influence of the once promising 17+1 platform.

July 17, 2024 - Rigels Lenja

Kidnapping EU: misuse of the veto power on enlargement

On December 15th 2023, the leaders of Ukraine would have been shocked to hear that the EU might not provide its 50 billion euros as a result of Hungarian Prime Minister Orban's veto. The EU's right of veto has often been unduly used and exploited by EU member states against their neighbours, generally for issues unrelated to EU values.

March 8, 2024 - Rigels Lenja


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