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Author: Myroslav Marynovych

What Can Ukraine Expect from the West Now?

I write to you as a former prisoner of conscience of the Brezhnev era. All other titles are rapidly losing sense in light of the bleeding Ukrainian Maidan.

February 20, 2014 - Myroslav Marynovych

To Prevent the Escalation of Violence in Ukraine

Letter from Ukrainian PEN Club regarding situation in Ukraine

On 16 January, Ukrainian authorities crossed the red line that separates semi-authoritarian regimes from genuine dictatorships. The cluster of laws rubber-stamped by parliament in a farcical hand-voting procedure encroaches heavily on the civic rights and political liberties of Ukrainian citizens, including freedom of speech, information, and assembly. The package outlaws the activity of non-government organizations, eliminates the remnants of an independent judiciary, criminalizes the independent monitoring of government bodies, and makes any free political competition in Ukraine virtually impossible.

January 22, 2014 - Myroslav Marynovych


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